NBA Reps Attend CWAG Meeting

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Marti McKee, Kim Austin, Connie Harris and Suzy Barnard attended the monthly CWAG meeting, which took place at the Port's offices at Pier 1. CWAG (Central Waterfront Advisory Group) consists of a committee of community advisors, and they've been paying close attention to all the Port's plans in our area for many years. They have a real understanding of the planning process and all the moving parts. The main topic on the agenda was to hear presentations from both the Port and Forest City developers on the Term Sheet.

Marti spoke, she gave a short summary of the statements made by Kim and Adele the night before at the Port Commission meeting, and Kim also gave an eloquent testimony expressing the passion we feel for the building and Pier 70.

We came away feeling encouraged, and like we'd been heard. CWAG expressed their awareness and support for our community, but strongly encouraged us to be involved in the process, and to show up to as many meetings as we can stand. They also said they felt confident that Forest City and the Port would do the right thing by us.

The Port stated that the demolition of the Noonan Building would not happen for another 10-15 years (!), and Jack Sylvan (Forest City) apologized to us for not including us sooner, and made clear overtures that he wants to reach out.

Here's a link to CWAG's agenda for this meeting.