Kim Frohsin Solo Show
NBA artist Kim Frohsin is showing a series of mixed media paintings over pinhole photography at a show entitled "Reliquaries: Exposed" at Gallerie Citi, in Burlingame, CA. The arcane series is created from a variety of media—acrylic paint, glazes, ink, collage, pencils, and dry pigment—built upon pinhole photographs taken by the artist between 2011 and 2013.
Relic considers things lost and found—memories, sacred objects, timeless treasures, and haunts—while Exposure references the underlying photograph. There is an aura that pervades these works of everyday objects that require the viewer to look closely, to take in the surface qualities and ambiguous abstractions, while simultaneously recognizing the underlying “real-life” image captured by the artist’s lens. Mysterious, clandestine, poetic, and nostalgic: There are endless surprises to be found in these small works.
Gallerie Citi is located in Burlingame at 1115 Howard Avenue. The show will be up from July 5 through August 30, with an artist's reception on Saturday, July 12, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Here's a link to the Gallerie Citi web site.
The photo above is of a piece entitled "Playing-Klimt Muse D".