Forest City's Prop F Neighborhood BBQ
Dear Noonan Artists, As many of us joined forces recently in support of Forest City's Prop F, I thought you might enjoy my take on today's event at Building 12. A neighborhood BBQ to kick off the campaign was so much more than dry speeches and politicians kissing babies.
It was an informal gathering that drew people from all points of the city. People from different backgrounds and perspectives. A diverse group of people who were positive, supportive, and very enthusiastic.
What is happening in our Pier 70 has become an inspiration for other neighborhoods who face development. All of the San Francisco supervisors praise the outreach and progressive agendas that are the cornerstone of FC's redevelopment plan. Supervisor Scott Wiener said he is so impressed with this project that he plans to implement it as a model for his own district. Mark Leno applauded the beyond generous allotments for affordable housing and said a new bar has been set for development in SF. The president of the Sierra Club praised the forward thinking in resolving rising water issues and protecting of our sensitive waterfront.
Both former Mayor Art Agnos and current Mayor Ed Lee gave exuberant speeches on the many positive effects Proposition F and the Pier 70 project will have for our city. They spoke of low tech and blue collar jobs, affordable housing, affordable artist and small manufacturing space, improvements in transportation, preservation of our port piers and historic buildings, and the creation of public parks, open space, and access to the water.
As a Potrero Hill resident of 21 years and a Noonan Building Artist for 16 years. I can honestly say I am very excited about the city wide support we have for the preservation and revitalization for our beloved Pier 70. It feels right, and I think it is a good time for the Noonan Building Artists to connect with our community. The public wants to know who we are, what we do, and what our future is.
Open studio should be extra special this year. I am looking forward to it.
If you have not had a chance to update yourself on the prop F details, do check out the Pier 70 website.
Thanks for reading....