The NBA web site is live!
Hello Noonan Building campers, this is your web site administrator, reaching out to you via the worldwide inter-web. I wanted to let you know that our web site is up and running, and it works. There's not much to it yet, but that's where you, the actual Noonan Building Artists come in. So let me give you all a brief tour, and explain how I think the site should work.
As you can see, there are four choices in the menu. The BLOG page also functions as our home page. This is where most of the action will be. If any of you have announcements that pertain to the group, this is where you will post them. If there is an event we should all know about, this is where you will inform everyone of it. If one of you has a gallery show, announce it here. If someone new gets a studio in the building, this is where they will introduce themselves. When you click on either the "Continue Reading" button or the image at the top of each post, you will get to the individual page of each blog entry, which is what you are on now.
For now, any posts that need to be made in our blog will have to be done through the administrator. Reason is that I don't know how to make the website accessible to everyone yet. You will have to send me the text and any photos, videos, mp3s, etc. – whatever you need to communicate. You can often use outside sources for media – if you have a video that needs to get on the blog you can upload it to your YouTube account and then just copy the link and send it to me via email, along with your text. Same goes for photos on Flikr or Photobucket, audio on Soundcloud, or whatever...they all have ways to easily copy the HTML code you need to share your stuff. Unfortunately (for you...fortunately for me :-) ) I won't be able to teach everyone how to do this in this one blog post. Try to figure the sharing methods for yourself. If it becomes an issue, maybe we'll do a demonstration one of these days.
We have an artists page that is simply a grid of photos kindly provided by David Magnusson. The photos are in black and white, until you roll over them with your mouse. Then they turn to color, and your room number, name and the medium you work in will appear. They arrange themselves into a random order each time the page is re-loaded. If you click on one of the photos you will be taken off our site and redirected to that artists web site. Simple, effective, fun. Check out your studio mates...
Here you will find some information about Pier 70, the Noonan Building and us, the artists that occupy the building. Right now I have a first draft provided by Suzy and Kim. This can easily be edited and added to, if we have any reason to. So please read the page and get in touch with our volunteer writers if you have something to add.
Here's a nifty Google map of our location, including a way to get directions, a transit map, a bike route map, and even traffic updates! And there's a contact form so if someone viewing the site wants to get more information about us they have a way to send us an email. Right now the emails go to an address I created called "info@...". Right now I'm the only one who can pick up these emails. If for some reason, it turns out that we are getting a lot of emails to our "info@..." account, I might want to sign up a volunteer to help. But we'll wait to see what happens. i doubt we'll get a lot of mail inquiries here.
I've tested the site in Safari, Chrome and Firefox on my Mac, and it works on all of them. It works on my iPhone. It should work on iPads, Androids, and PCs as well – but if it doesn't, please write me a note using the comment system below. Also, you might have noticed a little "+" symbol off to the right of the page title. you can click on this and an area will expand to reveal some extra functions that will be helpful in the long run. Someone might want to take a crack at writing something for the "About This Site" area. I'll come back to this area later, if we start using the site enough to need these features.
Thanks all... Your web site administrator.